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STM32 F1 series cortex-m3 base MCU

  • Category:ST

  • Hit Count:49
  • Date:2018-12-03
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Detailed introduction

STM32 F1 series basic MCU meets various application needs of industrial, medical and consumer markets. With this series of products, stmicroelectronics is in the leading position in the global ARM cortex-m microcontroller field and has set up a milestone of embedded application. This series utilizes first-class peripherals and low-power, low-voltage operations to achieve high performance, while at an acceptable price, using a simple architecture and easy-to-use tools to achieve high integration.

The series includes five product lines that are compatible with pins, peripherals, and software.

• overvalue stm32f100-24mhz CPU with motor control and CEC functions

• basic stm32f101-36 MHz CPU with up to 1MB Flash

• connected stm32f102-48mhz CPU has USB FS device interface

• enhanced stm32f103-72mhz CPU with up to 1MB Flash, motor control, USB and CAN

• interconnect stm32f105/107-72mhz CPU with Ethernet MAC, CAN and USB 2.0 OTG

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